Queen Mary 2 - 1st August 2005 - 4am to 9am »  Viewing HPIM8788 [Image 51 of 77]  :: Jump To  
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HPIM8771 * 2608 x 1952 * (2.39MB)

HPIM8775 * 2608 x 1952 * (2.35MB)

HPIM8778 * 2608 x 1952 * (2.56MB)

HPIM8779 * 2608 x 1952 * (2.47MB)

HPIM8785 * 2608 x 1952 * (2.36MB)

HPIM8790 * 2608 x 1952 * (2.3MB)

HPIM8797 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.94MB)

HPIM8803 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.96MB)

HPIM8805 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.97MB)

HPIM8806 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.91MB)

HPIM8788.JPG - 2608 x 1952 - (2.43MB)


The Hamburg Gallery - E-Mail: photo(AT)englishpages(point)de - Links Below

Hamburg English Pages | Nicolls D.Zine | Gallery Homepage

Hamburg Welcomes a Queen - Queen Mary 2 arrives in Hamburg one hour ahead of schedule on 1st August 2005. Photos by Chris Nicolls - www.englishpages. de / www.nicolls.de - All rights reserved (C). Permission to use the photos can be obtained from E-Mail: photo@englishpages.de. Thanks to to NDR 90,3 for their support in making this trip possible and to the Anita Ehlers boat and crew. Hamburg English Pages started the day at 2:15 and boarded the boat at 03:45.