New Years Eve high up on Suellberg in Hamburg-Blankenese - view over the River Elbe »  Viewing HPIM1175 [Image 8 of 13]  
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HPIM1169 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.05MB)

HPIM1171 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.1MB)

HPIM1172 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.12MB)

HPIM1173 * 2608 x 1952 * (829KB)

HPIM1174 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.27MB)

HPIM1178 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.31MB)

HPIM1180 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.16MB)

HPIM1182 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.1MB)

HPIM1185 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.15MB)

HPIM1209 * 2608 x 1952 * (1.35MB)

HPIM1175.JPG - 2608 x 1952 - (1.42MB)


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Click here for 8 second small size video
1st January 2006, just after midnight. View from Süllberg in Blankenese (Hamburg) high up over the River Elbe and from inside hotel events ballroom. A short 8 second video is available on this page - might be removed later in the year. It can be viewed by right clicking link, then ''Save as...'' or ''Speichern unter...'' and play from hard drive with Windows Media Player etc. Depending on how your computer is configured, it might open by simply clicking the link. All rights reserved. Photos by nicolls d.zine for Hamburg English Pages - select links on this page to open websites, or to go back to the Gallery Homepage.