Harbour Birthday Hamburg 2006 & Queen Mary 2 - at night - 6th & 7th May - selected photos (c) www.nicolls.de »  Viewing HPIM3951A [Image 45 of 75]  :: Jump To  
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HPIM4039 * 2608 x 1952 * (3.28MB)

HPIM4041 * 2608 x 1952 * (3.25MB)

HPIM4042 * 2608 x 1952 * (3.14MB)

HPIM4043 * 2608 x 1952 * (2.82MB)

HPIM4045 * 2608 x 1952 * (2.96MB)

HPIM3952A * 1952 x 2608 * (3.08MB)

HPIM3955A * 2608 x 1952 * (2.92MB)

HPIM3960A * 2608 x 1952 * (3.04MB)

HPIM3964 * 2608 x 1952 * (3.01MB)

HPIM3966 * 2608 x 1952 * (3.13MB)

HPIM3951A.JPG - 2608 x 1952 - (3.27MB)


The Hamburg Gallery - E-Mail: photo(AT)englishpages(point)de - Links Below

Hamburg English Pages | Nicolls D.Zine | Gallery Homepage

nicolls d.zine - www.nicolls.de. Photos of Queen Mary 2 and the 2006 Hamburg Harbour Birthday - www.hafengeburtstag.de. Photos taken inside Blohm & Voss next to the dry dock, near the QM2 and from the top of a crane near the dry dock. The last few photos were taken from Landungsbrücken, the other side of the river from the dry dock - 22:00hrs to circa 2:00hrs. The blue goals - goal shaped neon lights - are there to mark the World Cup 2006. Thanks to RAIKE Kommunikation GmbH - www.raike.info, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, Cunard & Blohm & Voss for the invitation to take photos near the dry dock and for the refreshments. Permission to use or download photos is required. We reserve the right to send a bill/Rechnung to anyone/any company using photos without permission. Prior warning will not be given, if prior warning is not possible. One warning only. All rights reserved.